My full CV can be downloaded here.
12. “Kondo Destruction and Quantum Criticality in Kondo Lattice Systems”, Q. Si, J. H. Pixley, E. Nica, S. J. Yamamoto, P. Goswami, R. Yu, and Stefan Kirchner, Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. invited paper for SCES 2013, arXiv:1312.0764 (2013).
11. “Quantum phases of the Shastry-Sutherland Kondo lattice: Implications for the global phase diagram of heavy fermion metals”, J. H. Pixley, R. Yu and Q. Si, arXiv:1309.0581 (2013).
10. “Pairing correlations near a Kondo-destruction quantum critical point”, J. H. Pixley, L. Deng, K. Ingersent and Q. Si, arXiv:1308.0839 (2013).
9. “Field-induced long-range magnetic order in the spin-singlet ground state system YbAl3C3: Neutron diffraction study”, D. D. Khalyavin, D. T. Adroja, P. Manuel, A. Daoud-Aladine, M. Kosaka, K. Kondo, K. A. McEwen, J. H. Pixley, and Q. Si, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 220406(R) (2013).
8. “Quantum criticality in the pseudo-gap Bose-Fermi Anderson and Kondo models: Interplay between fermion- and boson-induced Kondo destruction”, J. H. Pixley, S. Kirchner, K. Ingersent and Q. Si, Phys. Rev. B 88, 245111 (2013).
7. “Kondo destruction and valence fluctuations in an Anderson model”, J. H. Pixley, S. Kirchner, K. Ingersent, and Q. Si, Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 086403 (2012).
6. “Critical Kondo destruction in a pseudogap Anderson model: Scaling and relaxational dynamics”, M. T. Glossop, S. Kirchner, J. H. Pixley, and Q. Si, Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 076404 (2011).
5. “Continuous time quantum Monte Carlo study of the pseudogap Bose-Fermi Kondo model”, J. H. Pixley, S. Kirchner, M. T. Glossop, and Q. Si, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 273, 012050 (2011).
4. “Induced orientational effects in relaxation of polymer melts”, J. M. Deutsch and J. H. Pixley, Phys. Rev. E, 80, 011803 (2009).
3. “Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional XY spin glass”, J. H. Pixley and A. P. Young, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 014419 (2008).
2. “Determination of the charge collection efficiency in neutron irradiated silicon detector”, M. K. Petterson, R. F. Hurley, K. Arya, C. Betancourt, M. Bruzzi, B. Colby, M. Gerling, C. Meyer, J. Pixley, T. Rice, H. F. W. Sadrozinski, M. Scaringella, J. Bernardini, L. Borrello, F. Fiori, and A. Messineo. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Transactions on Nuclear Science, 56, 3828 (2009).
1. “Total Dose Dependence of oxide charge, interstrip capacitance and breakdown behaviour of sLHC prototype silicon strip detectors and test structures of the SMART collaboration”, H. F. W. Sadronski, C. Betancourt, R. Heffern, I Henderson, J. Pixley, A. Polyakov, M. Wilder, A. Boscardin, C Piemonte, A. Pozza, N. Zorzi, G. F. Dalla Betta, G. Resta, M. Bruzzi, A. Macchiol, L. Borrello, A. Messineo, D. Creanza and N. Manna, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 579: (2) 769 (2007).